Lorena continues to grow. She weighed 4 pounds 14 ounces on Friday and on Saturday she was up to 4 pounds 14.9 ounces. We were there all day today but I forgot to ask how much she weighed. Nonetheless, I'm sure she is almost to the 5 pound mark.
In her cute skeleton Halloween onesie |
with Mommy. I look tired today. |
with Daddy. Note she is crying and he is doing great with her :-) |
Lorena is doing well. Deb says she may be able to go home end of this week at the earliest! I'm trying to not get my hopes up but I can't help it...I think she will be home this week. :-) The day she was born, the doctors and nurses told us that she would have many ups and downs in the NICU. I remember Dan and I shaking our heads (after the doctors left) and saying that Lorena wouldn't have any downs. It has been over 7 weeks and she honestly hasn't had any down days! She stumbled at first to digest food, breathe without support, etc., but she has always surpassed each milestone with flying colors. The first few weeks she did have an infection though, but Dan and I were too naive to realize how sick she really was. I am thankful for being naive for once! Lorena was very festive today. She had a pink Halloween onesie on when we got there and we changed her into the adorable pumpkin outfit that Sarah Neely (a good family friend) gave us.
Lorena had an echo done on her heart on Thursday to check on the murmur she has had since birth. The heart valves in a full term baby usually close soon after birth. Most preemies have heart murmurs from being premature, and most will heal without intervention. Lorena still has a slight heart murmur which the doctors will continue to watch. She will need a checkup with the pediatric cardiologist in a month (we may have to go to KC for that) to see if it closes on its own. She also has a umbilical hernia which is common in preemies. It will probably heal itself but if not, she may have to have surgery down the road.
Lorena had visitors today too. Dan Hoffman (my co-worker who has been AWESOME and taken over a lot of my claim load) and his wife Jenni stopped by to meet Lorena. They are going to have a little boy this December and are naming him Heston (such a cute name!). I can already tell they will be great parents.
Lorena didn't like breastfeeding too much but took most of the bottles I gave her today. She gets about 45 mils every feeding, which is about 12 ounces a day. She gets vitamins and some protein powder in several bottles. 2 bottles are formula and 6 bottles are breastmilk. She is doing well being off the caffeine too. She also got a new crib today.
New Crib today |
We brought our car seat in today. She will have to have a "car seat test" before she can go home. Lorena will be required to sit in the car seat for 2 hours. Her heart rate and oxygen will be monitored and they will watch how she holds her head for an extended period of time. If she doesn't pass, she will have to go home in a car bed. Let's hope she passes this week!
Today was a good day...until we got in our car to leave. Someone had hit our car in the parking garage! My front passenger side blinker light was knocked out, as well as scratches and dents on the bumper. A security guard saw the accident but the car drove away. They are going to go over the security video tomorrow. We had to go to the Topeka Police Department to file a report. Dan and I have definitely realized the importance of insurance this fall.
Thanks Sarah Neely for the Halloween pumpkin outfit! |
Close up of sleepy baby |