I wasn't able to see Lorena on Friday but she was doing well when I talked to the nurses that day. She took one whole feeding by bottle on Friday! The rest of her feedings were split between bottle and tube. I did get a scary call on Friday night. I am used to getting calls from the NICU, but this was at 8:30 Friday evening. It was the doctor. First he said Lorena was doing great. Then he said that she accidentally was fed another mom's breast milk. Apparently when the milk was being warmed, the nurse picked up the wrong bottle and didn't realize a mistake was made until after her feeding was done. The doctor assured me that the milk had been tested and that there was nothing in it that could harm Lorena. I was a little bit angry about it for a few minutes but realized that there was nothing I could do about it. The doctor told me a mix up like this happens about ounce every year and a half, so its pretty rare.
Dan's sisters (Laura and Kate) had a baby shower for me on Saturday at Our Daily Bread in Barnes. It was a great day. Mom and Dad were able to make the trip from Illinois. Lorena got tons of presents. Thanks to everyone who made it a special day for me...especially Kate and Laura and the ladies of Our Daily Bread for all of your hard work! It is still milo harvest for us, so Dad got to ride with Dan in the truck and Ernie in the tractor and grain cart while we were having my shower. Ernie and Cindy, Mom and Dad, and Dan and I went to the Wagon Wheel on Saturday night. It was good for all of us to be together. We will definitely have an open house in the spring when Lorena is able to travel so Illinois friends and family can meet her.
Stretching. She is almost too big for this preemie outfit |
Mom holding Lorena for the first time...Dad didn't hold her (he wants to wait until she is bigger) |
Big yawn |
Thanks for coming to visit Grandma and Grandpa ~ Love, Lorena |
Dan insisted that I cook breakfast for Mom and Dad on Sunday morning (even though he doesn't help me cook, he really likes to eat). I have made a list of chores for him to do everyday. I like doing things a certain way but I know that I have to let go of my control and let him do some things for me. He is in charge of taking out the trash, doing the dishes, picking up the mail, and sanitizing my pump parts. I told him that I would see how he does with these tasks and I will continue to responsibilities to his list. :-) I know I shouldn't be so hard on him, he has been such a good help though these past few months. He is a pretty good husband! Anyway, it was great to have Mom and Dad over for breakfast. Then I rode to Topeka with Mom and Dad, and Dan met us there later. Lorena took some feedings by bottle on Sunday. She takes about half of a feeding with a bottle and the other half is given through her tube. She gets tired easily when sucking on a bottle because of her prematurity. It will just take time until she gets strong enough to take all feedings by bottle or breast. I did get to feed her with a bottle on Sunday and attempt to breastfeed. She weighed 4 pounds 13 ounces as of her Saturday night weigh in! She is growing and continues to do well. Dan and I are so lucky. Thanks for all of the prayers along the way...we are in the home stretch!
I don't think you are in the home stretch until she picks up here cap and gown for college graduation....22 years from now.