Sunday, July 1, 2012


There has been lots of progress on the farm in June. Dan's family finished wheat harvest over 2 weeks ago. It was a very good harvest. Yields surprised a lot of people considering the dry winter and spring we had in central Kansas. Harvest fell during the weekend of the Linn Picnic this year, so Maria, Jennifer, and Julie got to experience a Kansas wheat harvest. 

Lydia, Maria (visiting from Iowa), Julie (visiting from Illinois), Jennifer (visiting from St. Louis, MO)

Cousins - Jordan, Daniel, and Luke Hiesterman

Since the Hiestermans, like many farmers, don't know how to take a vacation, they jumped into their next project immediately after wheat harvest. Dan's dad (Ernie) is building a machine shed behind our house. The shed will be 75 ft wide and 90 ft long, and will hold a combine, air seeder, tractors, and other larger equipment. It will be nice to have the bigger equipment stored in one place. Dan is very excited about the size of the shed, while I am more excited about the color. Ernie is a man of few words but I know he loves me since he picked my favorite color (red) for the new shed.

Dan using his laser transit to level the site

Ernie hauling dirt and sand to level the floor

My cute hubby...I am glad he got rid of the handle bar mustache though

I had an ultrasound last friday (June 29) and baby looked good.  We tried to find out baby's gender at this appointment, but baby would not cooperate.  We hope to find out during the middle of July at my next appointment.  I have thought all along that baby is a boy.  Dan told me this week that he is fully prepared for baby to be a girl.  I guess we will have to wait a few more weeks.  We are just thankful that baby is growing and doing well. 

18 weeks