Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I'm Guilty

I feel's been almost two months since I did a blog update!  I promise to try to to better in the future.  My dad has been bugging me to do another blog post so here it is Dad!

I have always had a major guilt complex.  I feel guilty for lots of reasons, sometimes I even feel guilty that I am not feeling guilty about something!  Right now I am feeling guilty for drinking a Diet Mountain Dew for a mid morning snack and for not working on paperwork for my job (I'm actually waiting on some calls back from farmers and for them to email me some documents).  I am also feeling guilty for not playing with my daughter (I hear her laughing with her Crazy Aunt Lola in the living room).  I'm supposed to be in my office working but it is hard to not go and play with them!  Must resist and try to focus.  As I was saying, I do feel guilty about not blogging for a few months.  I hate starting something and not finishing it, so like I said before, I promise to write more often.

Summer is definitely my busy time for work.  I spent 6 days in Goodland, Kansas working wheat claims over the past few months.  The drought is so severe out there, I have never seen anything like it.  Late spring freezes also killed what was left of a stand.  Here is a picture of a typical wheat field near Tribune, KS.  It doesn't even look like the field was ever planted.
Got to see Mount Sunflower.  The highest point in Kansas!

We celebrated my first Mothers Day with Dan's family.  We flew kites, ate some fried chicken, and enjoyed a few beverages.  Cindy got the old camper out for the day.  

Memorial Day Weekend was extra special because it was Kaden's Memorial Walk.  My wonderful and beautiful friend Angela drove all the way from Wisconsin to visit Lorena and participate in the walk.  She is Lorena's God Mother.  We were random roommates freshman year at U of I and we have been close ever since.  Lorena also went for her first shopping cart ride that weekend.  I was proud of myself for not freaking out about all the germs.

The next weekend Maria came to visit.  It is always great to see her.  We took Lorena to the parade at Days of 49 in Hanover and saw some friends, and even went to Lake Milford for a day.  Thanks so much to my mother in law for taking care of Lorena so we could go boating.

The next weekend was the Linn Picnic.  It is definitely the event of the year!  Linn Picnic is special to me because Dan brought me to it in 2006.  It was the first time I had ever been to Linn.  I got to meet some of his family and friends, and it was when I fell more in love with Dan and with Washington County!  Linn Picnic is always a good time.  Lorena hung in there for all 3 days, through the parade, Figure 8 Race, and Demo Derby.  Lorena also went for her first swim in the Linn Pool that weekend with our good friend Traci.

The next weekend Lorena and I made a trip to Illinois.  Lorena got to ride in the hay cutter with Aunt Maria, see lots of family and friends, and take her first ride in the Gator with Grandpa.  I also got to celebrate Julie and Wolfie's bachelorette parties!  I couldn't find the picture of Julie's, but here is a pic of me and Wolfie at the MudSling.

 The next weekend we did the Hanover Fireworks, hung out with Daddy in the shop, and then celebrated Aunt Kate's "38th" birthday (at least according to her son William).  Grandpa Ernie also gave Lorena her first ice cream.

Last weekend I traveled to Illinois for Julie and Sam's Wedding.  I got to see the usual crowd, Maria, Springer, Wolfie, Jaysen, Sam, and Julie.  It is always good to get together and celebrate!  Cindy kept Lorena once again since I thought it would be too much of a trip on her.  Dan also stayed in Kansas due to wheat harvest. I drove almost 900 miles in two days, so it was a quick trip.

Ok my head is spinning from being so busy.  Hopefully the rest of the summer will calm down.  Lorena has met several milestones since I wrote last.  Her first tooth popped through around May 3 when she was almost 8 months old.  She now has two bottom teeth and her top ones are getting ready to poke through any day.  Lorena started on level one baby food in late April and is now eating level 2 foods.  We transitioned her off preemie formula and onto regular formula.  I stopped pumping after 7 1/2 months.  I was proud of myself for making it that far.  Lorena also started crawling around the 9 month point.  She started out at an army crawl but now can lift herself and move across the room.  She is growing up way too fast.  In May we had a checkup and her PDA (heart murmur) had closed which was awesome news.  However she now has a atrial septal defect which needs to be checked every 6 months.  It is a form of heart defect that enables blood flow between the two compartments of the heart. Apparently this isn't too big of a concern but still needs some monitoring.  She also had her 9 month check up in June.  She weighed in at 20 pounds 12.4 ounces and is 28 inches long.  This puts her at the 75 percentile for weight and 50 percentile for height!  

As you can tell I've been busy with work, traveling, and taking care of Lorena.  Wheat harvest is in full swing and I also feel guilty for not helping in the field, but I know I'm needed here at home and at my job.  I have finally updated my blog so that guilt has been lifted!  Next up is my post about wheat harvest so stay tuned.  Thanks for reading as always. ~ Lydia