Monday, June 22, 2015

Girl Update

Ida turned one on May 17.  She just started walking a few weeks ago and is practically running now.  She likes to get in trouble, has a very mischievous grin, and has a tendency to bite her momma when she gets excited.  She reminds us of a monkey.  She can squirm out of her high chair or swing even though she is strapped in tightly.  She still likes her bottle.  Some of her favorite foods are ham, cheese, bananas, and grilled cheese sandwiches.  She is about 24 pounds right now and is about 28 inches tall.  She is a healthy little girl.

Lorena is growing up so fast and will be three in September.  She went from not saying much to being able to have a conversation.  She says the funniest things and has different words for things.  She calls the remote control the "mo-trol," she calls our dog Jasper, "Baster", and sometimes puts a "d" on the end of it.  She just has a hard time saying her j sounds.  She can count to 15 and sings all of the time.  She breaks out in song, usually singing Happy Birthday or Jesus Loves Me or Jesus Loves All the Children of the World.  We are in the process of potty training.  That girl is still so stocky.  She weighs 43 pounds and is over 3 feet tall.  

We had a fun lake weekend with some friends at Kanopolis Lake.  We wanted to take a quick trip because wheat harvest is just around the corner.  The girls did pretty well.  Ida didn't like her life jacket much but both of them loved the water.

Work hasn't been terribly busy for me yet but I have a feeling I will have a lot of wheat claims.  I'm still trying to adjust to being a working Mom of two, married to a farmer.  But that's for a future blog post!