Lorena Ruth Hiesterman was born at 3:29 am 9/6/2012. She weighed 2 pounds 9 ounces and was 15 1/4 inches long. She has brown hair like her Mommy and Daddy. I think she has Dan's ears and he says she has my eyes. She is beautiful!

I haven't blogged for several days because I hadn't been feeling very well. Dan went home on Tuesday night (after being with me since I got to Topeka) and I was pretty bummed about that. My back had also been bothering me for several days, and I hadn't slept much on Tuesday night, and I couldn't get comfortable in my bed. I had told every nurse about my back pain and they just thought it was gas and indigestion. No contractions ever showed up on the contraction monitor. The doctor finally checked me on Wednesday night at 9 and I had progressed. Apparently I had been in back labor for days! Things moved pretty quickly after that. Dan got to the hospital by 11:30 pm. I had an epidural by about 1:00 am. I hadn't had sleep for days so the doctor recommended it. It completely got rid of my back pain. It took about 5 tries for the anesthesiologist to put the epidural in because she kept "hitting bone." I'm glad I couldn't see what she was doing back there. Dan almost passed out...had to leave the room because he said it felt like it was 120 degrees in there! These guys think they are so tough, when in reality I have realized girls are so much stronger! The NICU team (1 doctor and 4 nurses) was in my room at 3:20 am, along with Dr. Dickson and 2 nurses for the delivery, and Lorena was out the room by 3:40 am.
Lorena is able to breathe on her own, but requires a type of machine, kind of like a C-PAP machine. It blows air into her lungs and assists her breathing. Also, some of the tests show she has an infection. My pre-term labor was most likely caused by an infection of the water sac, so the doctors pretty much guaranteed that she would have an infection. She is being treated with antibiotics for several days as a result. Lorena is also on some oxygen. She has lots of cords and ivs, but the nurses and doctors in NICU tell us she is doing really well. I know there will be ups and downs but Dan and I are so thankful that she is doing so well. She is pretty active and the nurses have labeled her a "feisty girl." I'm pretty sure she takes after her Daddy! We are definitely going to have our hands full.
The grandpas and grandmas were here today to see Lorena. Mom and Dad came early this afternoon and Ernie and Cindy were here tonight. I think granddaughters hold a special place in grandpas' hearts. My dad exclaimed "she's perfect," and Ernie had the biggest smile on his face when he saw her today.
Pastor was here today and baptized Lorena. She will have a dedication ceremony later on at church. My cousin, Father Scott Kallal, is also holding a mass for Lorena on Saturday. What an amazing gift!
It has been such a long day. Dan and I are overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from our friends and family. Thank you for all the cards, flowers, care packages, visits, gifts, etc. I'm sorry I can't get back to each one of you asap but I will try to respond eventually. We have had excellent care at Stormont Vail. Please keep Lorena Ruth in your prayers as she has a long road ahead. Also pray for the other sick babies in the NICU here in Topeka. God continues to be with all of us along this journey. Love - Lydia, Daniel, and little Lorena Ruth