It's June 20th and Ida is over a month old already. She will be five weeks tomorrow. You probably know that I'm going to say "it's gone by way too fast" but it really has. I can't believe I only have one more week left of maternity leave. I work for a great company that offers 6 weeks paid leave for a regular delivery. I could also take 6 more weeks of unpaid leave. However, my job is busiest this time of year and I know I am needed back in the field. It's been a rough year for wheat in Central KS. I have heard the average will be in the 20s throughout most of the area but we will just have to wait until the combines start rolling. Poor crops mean heavy claim loads for adjusters like me. I don't really mind being busy but it will be interesting heading back to work with a 22 month old and 6 week old.
Ida has been a great baby so far. She slept for 3-4 hour stretches when we brought her home. At about 2 weeks old she would sleep for 5-6 hour stretches at night, usually from 11-5. For the past week she has been sleeping from around 11-6:30! I know I shouldn't be so tired but I still am. Unfortunately we have been passing around a cold, sinus, cough, congestion sort of sickness since Ida was born. Dan, Lorena, and I have been on antibiotics twice. We also have all had viral infections. Now Ida has a cold and a cough. Lorena went to the ENT this week. We are getting her tested for allergies. We thought she may need her tonsils out but the ENT didn't think it was necessary just yet. It will be nice when we are all well. I am nursing/pumping for Ida and supplementing with formula. I think I'm making a bit more milk than I did with Lorena but I'm still falling short. It has been nice to have the nursing relationship with Ida because I didn't have that with Lorena.
Ida was only in newborn clothes and diapers for 2 weeks. She is now filling out 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers rather nicely. She is awake more during the day and her neck is getting much stronger.
3 weeks old |
5 weeks old |
We have had a ton of visitors the past few weeks. We baptized Ida June 7. Aunt Kate and Uncle Jeremy Olson are Ida's sponsors.
Look at cousin Will in the background! |
We also had Linn Picnic the next weekend and my sister came to visit for 3 days. I love Linn Picnic but was thoroughly exhausted after it.
This week my Mom, Aunt Becky, and Uncle Danny came to visit. They cleaned my kitchen, did laundry, and vacuumed. It was good to have them here.
I feel like I've been living on caffeine for the last month. I know Ida is an excellent baby but it is just plain tiring keeping up with a toddler and newborn. I know parents have done it forever, but it is just a major adjustment especially for Lorena. When we brought Ida home, Lorena was constantly climbing into the pack and play to get to her. Now she leaves Ida alone for the most part and enjoys handing me her bottle or pacifier. Lorena has been her normal rambunctious self and recently got her first black eye. I'm sure she will have many bumps and bruises to come. I also think she regressed a little bit with speech for a few weeks but is now talking as much as she was before we had Ida. Her favorite words are cow, moo, milk, mom, dad, and cookie.