This is an emotional time of year for me. The week leading up to Lorena's birth and first few weeks in the NICU were some of the hardest moments in my life. While on bed rest at the hospital, nurses and doctors tried to prepare me for a premature birth. My water was leaking so it was inevitable that I would have a premature delivery. A nurse showed me a micro-preemie diaper and I remember thinking there's no way a baby could be that small. She went over the details of birth and NICU life. There would be lots of specialists in the room during birth, the baby would be very tiny and fragile, she would be hooked to many cords and monitors when we eventually got to see her. She went over hand washing, sanitation, keeping the baby away from germs, especially kids, and special precautions during flu and RSV season. If that wasn't enough to take in, the doctors also went over long term impacts of premature birth. The baby could be blind, have cerebral palsy, developmental delays, and possibly not even survive.
As you can see, her birth was rather traumatizing for me. Most moms are very, very ready for the baby to come out during a full term delivery. Premature deliveries are different. You are praying to God and pleading with the nurses and doctors to do whatever it takes to keep the baby inside. Modern medicine can only go so far and than God takes over. In reality, He is always in control and has a perfect plan for each little baby. Lorena was born at 27 weeks 6 days gestation. She weighed 2 pounds 7.9 ounces and was 15 inches long.
First picture - 1 day old |
First time holding her - 1 week old |
2 weeks old |
Kangaroo Care - 3 weeks old |
Headed home - 9 weeks old (37 weeks gestation) - 5 pounds 4 ounces |
First Birthday Party |
Second Birthday Party |
Lorena is growing up. Most people think she is 4. She wear big girl underwear and is getting better about going in the potty. She has been wearing 5t clothes all summer long and size 9-10 shoes. She is over 3 feet tall and was 46 pounds last time we checked. She loves watching Mickey Mouse, Peppa Pig, and Sophia the First. She talks a lot and likes to sing. Today for the first time she jumped on my lap and said "I love you Mom." Definitely melted my heart just a bit. She likes playing with her dolls, legos, and stacking blocks. Her favorite foods are eggs, sausage, peaches, fruit snacks, and milk. She especially loves playing outside in her play house and sand box. She's pretty found of her "baby sister Ida."
Preemies are strong. Lorena is living proof of that. I wish all preemies had the same outcome as Lorena, but each preemie has his/her own unique journey. We are thankful to God for our little girl. She has taught us a lot in her short life. We love you Lorena Ruth.
Showing me her braids |
They love each other |
Cheesing at the camera |